Help us resist the introduction of introduction of charging for healthcare for migrants

At the recent health event, LARA raised concerns about the proposals contained in the new Immigration Bill around introducing a migrant health levy. This would enable the introduction of charging for primary and emergency healthcare for those who do not have indefinite leave to remain in the UK. Does this concern you too? If so, you can help by writing to your MP…

For further information about the proposals and their likely impact read this briefing: THE IMMIGRATION BILL AND HEALTHCARE BRIEFING – final

What can you do?

We are calling on our local MPs to raise these concerns with the Secretary of State for Health and the leaders of their respective parties, and demand that the NHS continues to provide care based on clinical need, not the ability to pay. Please use this template to email your MP or send them a letter: Model letter to MP re healthcare proposals in Immigraiton Bill – final. Please keep the Regional Asylum Activism project updated if you receive a response ( Thank you!